Masuk Daftar

dgn hati-hati bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "dgn hati-hati"
  • And I carefully came at the sides.
    Dan aku dgn hati-hati datang pada sisinya.
  • Yet we must proceed with caution.
    Tapi harus dilakukan dgn hati-hati.
  • But we do not have a long period of time and you have to listen with caution.
    Tapikamitidakmemilikiwaktuyglama dan kau harus mendengarkanku dgn hati-hati.
  • Choose your team carefully because once you swipe that card your fate is sealed.
    Pilih tim kalian dgn hati-hati karena sekali kau menggesek kartu, nasibmu disegel.
  • Except, and listen very carefully, gentlemen, ...the treasures of Athena are the property of the Greek people.
    Kecuali, dengarkan dgn hati-hati, Tuan-tuan, harta karun Athena adalah milik orang Yunani.